Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Program C++ tentang Insertion Sort

Setelah kita tauu mngenai bubble sort kini kita lanjut blajar untuk insertion sort dalam sorting. Oke teman-tman bisa liat algoritma dan programnya,, check it out...

Procedure Insertion Sort ( input/output data : larik, input n : integer )
     for i ß 1 to n do
     temp = data[i]
     j = i -1
         while ( data[j]>temp dan j>=0 )
         data[j+1] = data[j]
         data[j+1] = temp

Berikut programnya :
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

int data[10],data2[10];
int n;

void tukar(int a, int b)
 int t;
 t = data[b];
 data[b] = data[a];
 data[a] = t;

void insertion_sort()
 int temp,i,j;
  temp = data[i];
  j = i -1;
  while(data[j]>temp && j>=0)
   data[j+1] = data[j];
 data[j+1] = temp;
void main()
 cout<<"===PROGRAM INSERTION SORT==="<<endl;
 cout<<"Masukkan Jumlah Data : ";
 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
  cout<<"Masukkan data ke "<<i<<" : ";

 cout<<"Data Setelah di Sort : ";
 for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)
  cout<<" "<<data[i];
 cout<<"\n\nSorting dengan insertion sort Selesai";

Output :

Program Explanation:
In the above program is insertion sort program in C + +. Each data (eg the first data) will be compared with existing data in the next (second data). Which is how the program if a second or subsequent data is smaller than the existing data on previous data, performed data exchange place or position. Similarly, for the second data until the last data carried in a similar manner.

Diberikan sebuah data : [8,4,7,3,1,2,6,5]
Mengurutkan bilangan atau data di atas dengan insertion sort sebagaimana cara kerjanya seperti di bawah ini :

semoggaaa bermanfaat....
thankz... :)

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Unknown mengatakan...

sangat bermanfaat membantu tugas kuliah

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terimakasih mba sangat membantu buat saya

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